American States Organization holds special meeting on Venezuelan election results

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) held a special meeting to address the results of the electoral process in Venezuela, and the protests erupting across the country objecting Nicholas Maduro’s third term as president.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby stated during the meeting on Wednesday, “Our patience and that of the international community is running out. It is running out on waiting for the Venezuelan electoral authorities to come clean and release the full, detailed data on this election so that everyone can see the results,” He voiced the concern of the United States and that of other democracies on the integrity of the Venezuelan presidential elections, extending the concern to, “the reports of casualties, violence, and arrests, including the arrest warrants that Maduro and his representatives issued today for opposition leaders,” Kirby went on to condemn political violence and repression of any kind, stating, “We’re watching, and we’re going to respond

Source: Kuwait News Agency