Defense Minister & Chief of Staff congratulate Revolution Leader on September 21 Revolution 10th anniversary

SANA’A – SABA : Defense and Military Production Minister, Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Atifi, and the General Staff Chief , Major General Mohammed Abdul Karim Al-Ghamari, sent a congratulatory telegram to the Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, on the occasion of the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary. The following is the text of the telegram:

From the pride’s fronts depth , honor , in the victories’ wake , great Yemenis ‘ celebrations on their religious , national holidays and occasions, we are pleased and honored to raise to Your Excellency, on behalf of the Defense Ministry leadership, the General Staff and all the sons of our armed forces stationed in every inch of our dear land, the highest congratulations and blessings on the immortal September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary .

This great revolution, which represented a milestone in our history and the birth of a new dawn for our beloved homeland, the dawn of freedom, dignity and independence.

As we comm
emorate this auspicious anniversary in light of the difficult circumstances that our country and the region in general are going through, we highly value your great role in building an invincible deterrent force to confront God’s enemies, preserve the gains of the homeland , protect its sovereignty, dignity and independence of its decision.

We ask the Almighty to provide you with help to carry out your tasks and responsibilities, and to keep you healthy and successful in all your tasks and works.

As we celebrate this immortal national occasion, which coincides with our people’s celebrations of the innocent best ‘s birth anniversary , we recall the sacrifices of our righteous martyrs and what they offered for the sake of religion , the homeland, and remember the crimes of the trio of evil America, Britain and their usurping entity against our brothers in wounded Palestine, so our blood rises and our souls long to have the honor of direct confrontation with this entity and its supporters to show them the pain
of God at our hands.

From the principles of this great occasion that liberated our homeland from dependence and submission, we say to the enemies that from now on you are in our crosshairs and we will have no mercy on you, and whatever your response, the punishment will be the same as the action, and know that we no longer talk but act, our response will be painful and will be felt by anyone who thought of crossing the red lines of our people , our nation, relying on God and relying on Him, because we will not hesitate to use our strength to protect our homeland and the sanctities of our nation.

In conclusion, we congratulate you and all our great Yemenis on this immortal national occasion, thanking your constant support and diligent follow-up to develop the military capabilities and combat skills of the sons of this mujahideen institution, assuring you that, God willing, we are in high readiness , ready to defend the gains of our blessed revolution , repel any aggression against the soil of our beloved cou
ntry and our ancient nation, assuring you that the blood of the good martyrs will not go in vain and that we will continue on their path for God’s sake and the realization of the goals of our blessed revolution. We promise God and you that the blood of the good martyrs will not be wasted and that we will continue on their path for God’s sake and for the sake of achieving the goals of our blessed revolution, continuing the march of construction , development, raising the flag of the homeland high, by the grace of God and under your wise leadership, this country will be a model to be emulated in sacrifice, redemption, construction , change, and we will write a new history worthy of our sacrifices and the greatness of our nation.

Mercy and forgiveness to all the righteous martyrs. And healing for all the wounded , injured, and the soon release of the prisoners, the glory of our beloved Yemen, and from victory to victory.

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

Source: Yemen News Agency