Gaza, Ukraine, Climate, Epidemics Top UNGA 79 Agenda -2-

Former Cameroonian Prime Minister Philemon Yang, who was elected by acclamation by the UN General Assembly in June to serve as UNGA 79 President, is set to open the general debate, the highlight of each new session of the General Assembly. Leaders and representatives of all UN member states and observers are entitled to address the General Assembly Hall on an issue of their choice.

In June, the United Nations General Assembly elected by acclamation the second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar in New York Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani as vice-chair of the First Committee of the UNGA 79 – the committee related to disarmament and international security matters.

Following his election as UNGA 79 President, Yang warned of the serious challenges threatening the unity of humanity, calling for enhanced dialogue and joint cooperation to resolve global crises.

He voiced his regret over the spread of social inequalities, selfishness, and the struggle for power and various interests,
noting that there are forces that threaten the cohesion of humanity and weaken global solidarity. He stressed that the ongoing geopolitical and geostrategic tensions are exacerbating the lack of trust between countries, which requires a collective response to confront these challenges.

The UNGA 79 President noted the escalating and unstoppable arms race, including in space, the massive increase in military budgets, and the threat of the use of nuclear weapons that threaten global security.

Yang emphasized that the General Assembly is the most appropriate forum in which member states in all their diversity are asked to freely express their concerns, proposals, and opportunities. It is therefore the highest deliberative representative body where all states can discuss, not fight.

The UNGA 79 President stressed the need to work together in a spirit of unity, regardless of differences and diversity, to promote peace, ensure the absence of wars, and prevent disasters, calling for working towards sustainable dev
elopment and common prosperity, and providing an environment in which the consumption of its abundant resources can be ensured in moderation and wisdom.

The United Nations was founded in 1945 following the pain and destruction caused by World War II, to put an end to the outbreak of wars and international conflicts and maintain world peace. It replaced the League of Nations, which was founded in 1919, after World War I.

Since its inception, the United Nations has become the only platform that brings together leaders of world countries to discuss common challenges and work to find solutions that serve all humanity. It is also a fundamental platform for cooperation and coordination between countries, provides support and assistance in resolving international conflicts, and issues resolutions that grant “legitimacy” to some international interventions when needed.

Source: Qatar News Agency