March for military courses graduates in Al-Jaafariyah district, Raymah

A mobilization courses batch of graduates in Al-Jaafariya district in Raymah province

carried out on Saturday a foot march under the slogan “You are not alone”, which coincides with the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary .

The graduates stressed the high readiness to support the Yemeni Armed Forces and stand by the oppressed Palestinians and their valiant resistance in the face of the Zionist-American aggression.

They announced their authorization to the revolution leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to take all escalation options in support of the Palestinian people.

The graduates emphasized the continuation of activities and events in support of Gaza and the readiness to confront the tyrants of the age, America, Israel and Britain, in imitation of the great Prophet Muhammad – may Allah bless him and his family.

Source: Yemen News Agency