Popular shows of General Mobilization Forces in Jawf district

JAWF – SABA: The districts of al-Hazm, al-Humaidan and al-Anan in Jawf province on Tuesday witnessed popular shows of the General Mobilization Forces in preparation for the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad, and in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution.

The shows reflected the high readiness to fight the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad, in support of the Palestinian people, and in support of their resistance until victory is achieved.

Participants stressed continuing on the path of the holy jihad to confront the tyrants of the earth and their support for the operations of the Yemeni armed forces against the targets of the Zionist and American enemy, and supporting the mobilization to confront the enemies of the nation.

The participants pointed out that the September 21 Revolution had a major role in ending foreign guardianship over the homeland.

Source: Yemen News Agency