Tents distributed to affected by floods in Al-Zahra district in Al-Hodeida

HODEIDA – SABA : Al-Zahra District Multipurpose Association and the Department of Community Initiatives in Hodeida Province distributed iron shelter tents to those affected by the floods in the district.

The number of tents amounted to 37 tents in coordination with the Tihama Development Authority, Bunyan Development Foundation , the Agricultural Cooperative Union, and targeted the most affected cases in the directorate, as part of relief measures and efforts to alleviate the suffering of families whose houses were washed away by the floods.

During the distribution, the director of the directorate, Abdul Rifai, appreciated this initiative, which comes as part of the emergency response efforts to help those affected by the floods in areas where citizens’ houses and properties were damaged.

The director of Al-Zahra Association, Qadi Ali Qadi, explained that the initiative includes 37 tents with their supplies within the framework of humanitarian work to alleviate the families’ suffering whose houses were sw
ept away by the floods.

Source: Yemen News Agency