World Pharmacists Day event in Sana’a

A World Pharmacists Day event was held in Sana’a , organized on Wednesday by Hikma University in Sana’a in cooperation with the Community Pharmacy Owners Syndicate under the slogan “Pharmacist meets the needs of global health”.

At the event, Health and Environment Deputy Minister Dr. Nasher Al-Qaoud pointed out that the event coincided with Yemen’s celebrations of the September 21 and 26 revolutions, with the participation of a group of academics, pharmacy owners , owners of pharmaceutical factories , companies to highlight the status of the pharmacist and his great role in enhancing pharmaceutical security for society.

He praised the products of the pharmaceutical exhibition held on the sidelines of the event, which showcased samples of the creativity and production of the students of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the university, which amounted to about 40 pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and skin care products extracted from rare medicinal plants that Yemen is rich in, introduced the sta
ges of extraction, production and manufacture of medicines.

At the event, which was attended by the Health Ministry Undersecretary for the Care Sector, Dr. Mohammed Al-Mansour, and Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qanas praised the products of the pharmaceutical exhibition organized by the university for the sixth consecutive year on the occasion of the International Pharmacists Day and in conjunction with the Prophet’s Birthday anniversary , the September 21 , 26 revolutions, as part of the research , scientific activities pursued by the university and awareness of the importance of supporting and encouraging the national pharmaceutical industries.

He called on pharmacy students to change the concept of the pharmacy profession , move it from pharmaceutical salesmen and representatives to pharmaceutical manufacturing to achieve pharmaceutical security and self-sufficiency in parallel with developments in military manufacturing. He pointed to the importance of developing pharmaceutical products and taking advantage of the mult
iplicity of sources that Yemen is famous for and moving towards the national pharmaceutical industry as a key pillar to achieve pharmaceutical and health security in the country.

The President of the Syndicate of Owners of Community Pharmacies, Dr. Abdulmalik Abu Denia, and the Chairman of the Board of Elders of the Syndicate, Dr. Mohammed Al-Nazili, praised the role of Hikma University in celebrating the World Pharmacists Day for the ninth year in a row and holding a number of activities, seminars and pharmaceutical exhibition to share the system, awareness and continuous education that the pharmacist is a major source of drug information , improve health and pharmaceutical care.

In turn, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Al-Hikma University, Dr. Salah Mesfer, and the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the university, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khawlani, pointed out that the university celebrates the World Pharmacists Day under the slogan “The pharmacist meets the needs of global health” by h
olding a scientific week with scientific seminars with the participation of a group of academics , pharmaceutical scientists , pharmaceutical exhibitions produced by students of the department at the university, and holding similar events at the main center in Dhamar and its branch in Taiz.

At the event, which was represented by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research Abdulkarim Al-Dahak, the President of the Pharmaceutical Dealers Syndicate Abdulrahman Al-Mutawakel, representatives of the Syndicate and owners of pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies , factories, and the Vice President of the University Dr. Majid Al-Qatawi, the Health and Education Ministries were honored with university shields and certificates of appreciation, contributors and participants in the productive pharmaceutical exhibition.

The Deputy Minister of Health and Environment inspected the pharmaceutical exhibition and samples of the products and creations of the students of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the un
iversity, listening to an explanation of the quality of the pharmaceutical products they produced, their sources , benefits, the effectiveness of these medicines and preparations in the way of finding possible alternatives to shift towards national industries with Yemeni competencies and expertise.

Source: Yemen News Agency