Youth & Sports Minister reviews activities & programs Al Ahli Club in Sana’a

Youth and Sports Minister Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Mawlad and his deputy, Nabih Abu Shusa’a, were briefed on Al Ahli Club activities and programs in Sana’a.

Al-Mawlad and Abu Shusa’a, along with Undersecretary of the Sports Sector Ali Hadban and Assistant Undersecretaries Dr. Kamal Al-Sharif and Hussein Al-Khoulani, listened to an achievements explanation made in various games and the difficulties facing the club.

The Youth and his companions Minister toured the club’s museum studded with the Red Castle history and achievements, the most prominent founders and stars in various games, a club facilities’ number , and the ongoing works in the western stands, which are being rehabilitated with the Yahya Ali Al-Habari support, Chairman of the Supreme Honor Council of Al-Ahli.

Minister Al-Mawlad praised Al-Ahli Club role in adopting young people to practice their sports, cultural and social activities in order to develop their abilities and refine their talents despite the capabilities and young people infrastructure
destruction in particular and Yemen in general by the Saudi-UAE aggression.

He emphasized the importance of giving athletes care , attention , motivating them to develop their abilities , send a message to the world about the steadfastness , young people fortitude in practicing their activities and representing Yemen in foreign forums.

Minister Al-Mawlad praised the leadership role and efforts Al Ahli Club in embracing youth, rehabilitating them and discovering their talents.

Source: Yemen News Agency