Al Marar heads UAE delegation at 158th Session of Arab League Ministerial Council


Khalifa Shaheen Al Marar, Minister of State, headed the UAE delegation to the 158th regular session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level. He also participated in the consultative meeting of Arab Foreign Ministers, which was held yesterday prior to the session.

During the meeting, attendees discussed coordinating positions with regards to issues on the agenda, in addition to decisions concerning joint Arab action on the political, economic, social, legal, human rights, financial, and administrative levels.

On the sidelines of the session, Al Marar also participated in the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee on Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries. This committee is chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the membership of the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States. He also participated in the Arab Ministerial Committee meeting on Turkish intervention in the internal affairs of Arab countries, chaired by the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States serving as members.

Moreover, Al Marar participated in the Arab Ministerial Committee meeting on halting Israeli measures in occupied Jerusalem, chaired by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with the UAE as the representative Arab member of the Security Council and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Palestine, the State of Qatar, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Kingdom of Morocco participating as members, and the Republic of Tunisia serving as chair of the Arab Summit.

In a speech delivered during the meeting, Al Marar thanked Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit and member states for holding a memorial for the late Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. He stressed that the UAE, under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, would pursue the approach established by the country’s founders in internal and external policies and relations with other countries.

Al Marar noted the speech by President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan addressed to the people of the UAE on 13th July, remarking that His Highness has reaffirmed the principles of rational leadership by emphasising that “we extend a hand of friendship” to all countries that share the values of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect in order to achieve progress and prosperity. The UAE has built its relations with other countries on solid foundations of goodwill, credibility, and cooperation and will continue to establish strategic partnerships with various countries.

Furthermore, he referred to the part in the speech of His Highness where he said that the UAE would continue to support peace and stability regionally and globally while assisting other countries and advocating for cooperation in service of humankind.

Al Marar pointed out that in light of increasing turmoil, tension, and polarisation in the global arena, the UAE shares the international community’s concern over the impact on peace, security, and stability at the regional and international levels.

He continued by stating that it is necessary to reaffirm the UAE’s belief in the importance of adhering to international law, the United Nations Charter, multilateral action, respect for the principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes, respect for the sovereignty and independence of states and non-interference in their internal affairs, and that diplomacy remains the best way to resolve crises and dialogue and negotiations are an indispensable tool to solve regional and international conflicts.

Al Marar explained that global uncertainty and tension have compounded the unprecedented challenges facing Arab countries, thereby requiring increased collective action, coordination, and cooperation to resolve regional crises and restore optimism to the Arab peoples in order to secure a better future based on an agenda of peace, stability, development, and prosperity.

He stressed that recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, regional and global food insecurity, climate change and water scarcity, efforts to strengthen security and stability, and the fight against extremism and terrorism require joint Arab action and innovative solutions.

Al Marar remarked that it is necessary to acknowledge the progress of Arab countries in facing these challenges. The Industrial Partnership for Sustainable Economic Development agreement between the UAE, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Arab Republic of Egypt constitutes a model for joint Arab action in addressing developmental requirements and the impact of the pandemic. Moreover, the leaders’ meeting at the El Alamein Summit reflects Arab coordination and consultation to overcome challenges to stability and development in the Arab world.

“Having two Arab countries host the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27 and COP28) demonstrates Arab countries’ contributions to advancing the international agenda in climate change mitigation. The Arab Republic of Egypt deserves support and coordination for the success of its efforts to host COP27 in November this year in Sharm El-Sheikh. Similarly, we look forward to the support and participation of our Arab brothers in the success of UAE efforts to host COP28 in 2023 in order to make further progress and achieve our aspirations as well as those of the international community in addressing climate change,” he added.

Al Marar stressed that these are prominent examples of Arab action that encourage additional progress. He added that global tensions should not let countries forget the importance of strengthening joint Arab action to push for political solutions to ongoing crises in the Arab world.

In this regard, Al Marar renewed the UAE’s call for Iran to constructively respond to repeated initiatives and calls for a peaceful solution to the issue of the three occupied Emirati islands, the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa, through direct negotiations or by resorting to the International Court of Justice.

Furthermore, he reiterated the UAE’s firm position in supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 4th June, 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital in accordance with resolutions and principles of international legitimacy, the Arab Peace Initiative, and the two-state solution. He also called for support for all regional and international efforts to advance the peace process in order to achieve a just and comprehensive peace.

Al Marar affirmed the UAE’s support for efforts by Egypt and Jordan to reach a resolution that meets the aspirations of the Palestinian people and overcome challenges to stability and peace while avoiding escalation, tension, violence, and confrontation and preventing unilateral measures. He also stressed the need to respect the custodial role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan over the holy sites and endowments in accordance with international law and the historical situation at hand, and not to compromise the authority of the Jerusalem Endowment Administration and Al Aqsa Mosque.

Moreover, Al Marar welcomed the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council, which was agreed upon by the Yemenis, and the continuation of the truce while stressing the pivotal role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the importance of achieving a comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire and entering into a political process that leads to a permanent political solution to the Yemeni crisis.

He also underscored support for the efforts of the United Nations and its envoy to Yemen and other efforts aimed at securing a political solution in Yemen. Al Marar continued by calling on the international community to support adherence to the truce and exert pressure on the terrorist Houthi militias to abide by the truce’s terms to achieve peace and end the suffering of the Yemeni people.

Concerning the Syrian crisis, Al Marar underscored the importance of securing an active Arab role in efforts to reach a political solution, helping Syria return to the Arab fold, and rejecting regional interference in the country.

With regards to the Libyan issue, he noted that the UAE condemned recent armed violence in Libya in August and called for preserving the safety of civilians, government headquarters, and property. The UAE urged the renunciation of division, the restoration of calm and serious dialogue, and the prioritisation of the national interest to restore security and stability in Libya. Al Marar also renewed the UAE’s position calling for a solution to the conflict through a political process led and owned by Libyans. He also noted the UAE’s full support for all that preserves the security, stability, and unity of Libya and achieves the aspirations of its people for development, stability, and prosperity.

Al Marar stated that in light of recent developments in Iraq, the UAE affirms its solidarity with it in facing challenges. The UAE aspires for a stable and prosperous Iraq, supports all that achieves its security, stability, territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence, and calls for non-interference in its internal affairs.

Regarding Sudan, he noted that the UAE is following developments in Sudan and stressed the importance of all parties continuing to engage in dialogue to reach a common understanding that will advance the transitional phase. Al Marar also expressed the UAE’s sincere condolences, solidarity, and sympathy to Sudan as a result of the floods and rains that swept across large swaths of the country, stressing the UAE’s confidence in Sudan’s ability to overcome these challenges.

Concerning Somalia, Al Marar stated that the UAE congratulates Somalia on the formation of the new government, wishing the Somali people success in achieving prosperity.

He emphasised the UAE’s consistent approach to working towards achieving peace, spreading tolerance, moderation and coexistence among peoples, rejecting violence, extremism, and hatred, prioritising dialogue, reason, diplomacy, and political solutions between countries, focusing on the human dimension, building bridges of communication and understanding, and emphasising the need for Arab and regional coordination to achieve a stable region and prosperous future.

Al Marar also stated that in light of the UAE’s keenness to address challenges facing the Arab world, and extending from the UAE’s belief in the importance of cultural diversity in enriching human civilisation, developing nations, and building bridges of communication between peoples, the UAE affirms that the family is the backbone of societies and must be protected in order to advance society. In this vein, the UAE called on Arab countries to preserve the institution of the family and marriage.

Al Marar concluded by expressing his appreciation for efforts by participants to make the session a success in the spirit of joint Arab action and overcome regional challenges to achieve security, stability, and prosperity for the Arab peoples.

Source: Emirates News Agency
