Chinese-Arab relations made great strides: President of China

President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, affirmed that the relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Arab countries witnessed great developments, as the two sides established strategic partnership relations based on comprehensive cooperation and joint development for a better future, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

In his closing speech during the Riyadh Arab-China Summit for Cooperation and Development, President Jinping added that the Arab-China summit worked to strengthen construction to confront the food, energy and climate crisis, and is committed to find political solutions to thorny issues and working to maintain peace and security in the region, and calls for reaching mutual benefit and enhancing harmonious coexistence between different civilizations.

He added that the People’s Republic of China has established comprehensive strategic partnership relations with 12 Arab countries separately, and signed cooperation documents to build the Belt and Road with 20 Arab countries, and 17 Arab countries expressed their support for the global development initiative, confirming that 15 Arab countries joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Seventeen cooperation mechanisms have been set up within the framework of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum.

The Chinese president stressed that the Chinese-Arab relations have achieved a historic leap, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples and injecting more stability factors into the region and the world, noting that the Arab-China summit was a complete success, as the two sides agreed to work with all efforts to build the Chinese-Arab community for a common future towards the new era, which is a milestone in the history of Chinese-Arab relations.

President Jinping stressed the Chinese side’s keenness to take this summit as a new starting point to work to devote the Chinese-Arab friendship represented in solidarity, equality, interests, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and to advance promising prospects for cooperation.

Source: Emirates News Agency