Consultative meeting at Human Rights Ministry on its report “The Prisoners’ File … Crimes and Violations”

The Human Rights Ministry organized a consultative meeting on its report “The Prisoners’ File… Crimes and Violations”.

In the meeting, a member of the Supreme Political Council, Sultan Al-Sami’i, blessed the heroes liberated from enemy and mercenary prisons for their release and their safe return to the land of Yemen.

In the meeting, which was attended by Samira Marsh, the freed prisoner from Marib prisons, he indicated that during the past three days, hundreds of detainees were received and prisoners from the other side were bid farewell.

Al-Sami’i said, “When we received the detainees coming from Khamis Mushayt, we found most of them afflicted with psychological conditions, and many of them are disabled, and their appearance suggests that they came from cellars in which they did not see the sun, and therefore there is a difference between the detainees coming from here and there and those coming from the first enemy of Yemen, Saudi Arabia.”

He stressed that the violations to which the detainees were subjected are not from the morals and principles of the Islamic religion, the authentic Arab customs, traditions, and human values.

Al-Sami’i explained that the detainees who returned from Sana’a were honored and honored, and they were dealt with all humanity and according to Islamic morals, customs, traditions and authentic Yemeni customs.

He said, “Major General Mahmoud Al-Subaihi, upon his arrival in Aden, said it in one letter. We were really in the hospitality of Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi. We lived in a respectable villa and were fed from the best nutrition, with a television set and open channels. We have phones to communicate with our families, and this came due to the good treatment that the prisoners receive in Sana’a.”

He expressed regret for what the detainees returning to Sana’a from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere were subjected to, which reflects the inhumane treatment of them.

Al-Sami’i indicated that there are many kidnapped, detainees and prisoners of the Saudi enemy and mercenaries who were subjected to torture, and some of them were brutally killed.

The Supreme Political Member, Al-Sami, praised the role of the Ministry of Human Rights in achieving justice, documenting and showing these crimes to the people and the world, despite its meager capabilities.

He expressed appreciation and pride for Yemeni women and their prominent national and struggle role, led by Samira Marsh, who was kidnapped and tortured for five years in Marib on unfounded malicious charges.

He touched on the arrival of 104 expatriate detainees and workers in Saudi Arabia, who were used by the Saudi authorities in the media to release them without any compensation, as if they were detainees and not workers who were arbitrarily arrested on malicious charges as well, and deported unjustly and aggressively.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister for National Vision Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Junaid, stressed the importance of the Ministry of Human Rights’ report, “The Prisoners’ File … Crimes and Violations”, and the principles and rights that detainees should enjoy and motivate everyone to adhere to them according to faith identity and religious affiliation.

He pointed to pride in the values practiced by the authorities concerned with the detainees, and said, “The whole world knows that we adhere more to the principles and values concerned with the detainees, which are at the core of our Islamic religion.”

Al-Junaid reviewed the rights enjoyed by the prisoner of humane treatment, respect for personality, health care, and the right to practice educational, recreational and sports activities, shelter, food, clothing and other rights that they enjoy.

He stressed that the other party deals with the opposite of those rights and principles of the prisoner, pointing out in this regard to the arrest and horrific practices against the detainees, the freed editor, Samira Marsh.

For his part, Minister of Human Rights Ali Hussein al-Dailami explained that the draft report on the prisoners’ file dealt with the rights of detainees that are being suspended and the rights of detainees are ignored by UN and international organizations.

He stated that ignoring the rights of prisoners has serious negative repercussions, making the other party commit the most heinous crimes, believing that it is thus far from being held accountable.

Al-Dailami indicated that as a result of the failure of the United Nations and its various organs and organizations, as well as international organizations, to assume their role and responsibility towards the detainees, the enemy and its mercenaries persisted and committed the most heinous crimes of torture and killing against prisoners and detainees, documenting them in audio and video and presenting them without fear or fear, in clear defiance of international conventions and covenants.

He touched on the procedures and complexities that the Red Cross takes with regard to the detainees and what they are exposed to, which makes these procedures a factor of restriction on their work.

Al-Dailami said, “The time has come for many organizations to introduce some articles that guarantee effective protection for detainees and civilians, and for rights in general.”

He said, “The time has come for many organizations to introduce some articles that guarantee effective protection for detainees and civilians, and for rights in general.”

Al-Dailami stressed that the statutes of the Red Cross, the High Commissioner and many United Nations agencies need to be carefully reviewed to ensure the implementation of their obligations and the protection of rights.

The Minister of Human Rights considered that the international mechanisms are broken and have not been implemented in reality, and the role of international organizations has become the role of mediator only, while their real role is to stop violations and crimes against prisoners and civilians and move within the correct framework by applying international conventions and covenants.

He called on the Red Cross and the High Commissioner to ease the complications in registering cases or complaints that reach them by the Ministry and to find an appropriate mechanism for that. He indicated that visits were organized by the Ministry of Human Rights to the places where the prisoners are in Sana’a, and the humane and ethical treatment towards the prisoners was observed.

In turn, the head of the Executive Unit of the National Vision at the Ministry of Human Rights, Aref Al-Amiri, explained that the unit, and within its programs, issued national and specialized reports, including the detainees’ report, which coincided with the release of detainees liberated from the prisons of aggression to reveal the crimes and brutal violations that the prisoners were subjected to and the inhumane treatment with them.

And he indicated that the report team worked to document the crimes with the aim of holding the perpetrators accountable as a violation of international conventions that preserve the rights of detainees in light of the international disregard for those rights and in order to hold the aggression coalition and mercenaries responsible for any threat to the lives of detainees and the safety of those still in prisons.

Al-Amiri pointed out that the report included those who were kidnapped because of travel, surname or sect, and were subjected to torture, humiliation and cruel treatment.

The freed detainees, Samira Marsh, reviewed the repercussions of her kidnapping and how she was arrested without any reasons. She stressed that the charges they tried to fabricate against her were false and untrue and had nothing to do with reality.

She touched on the methods of torture that she was subjected to over a period of five years, and preventing her from even contacting her family and her family.

She appreciated the interest of the revolution leader, Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, and his relentless endeavor to get her out of the prisons of Marib, and her appreciation for the Yemeni people who received her, raised her spirits, and made her forget the years of torture and persecution in mercenary prisons.

Source: Yemen News Agency