Based on Article 4 of the Charter, Israel was accepted as a member of the United Nations on May 11, 1949 (Resolution No. 273), and the text of the resolution stated that Israel ‘It accept, without reservation, the obligations contained in the Charter of the United Nations, and undertake to respect them from the day it become a Member.’

Aside from Israel’s violation of the obligations contained in the decision to accept it as a member, its daily practices indicate that it has become an entity hostile not only to the Palestinian people and its refusal to implement United Nations resolutions or hostile only to international organizations and its role models are the position of the International Criminal and Justice Courts, the Human Rights Council and a number of organizations. It is even aggressive towards the United Nations itself, and this is clearly demonstrated by the daily violation of all areas of the United Nations’ work, defined as:

1. Maintaining international peace and security. 2. Protection of hu
man rights. 3. Delivering humanitarian relief. 4. Promoting sustainable development. 5. Respect international law.

What Israel has done recently must not pass without a serious pause from members of the international community who have become convinced that Israel is an entity hostile to all the values and principles of the United Nations, an entity above the law that acts as it pleases without considering the consequences of its actions, and this time against the United Nations itself, which has become A direct target for Israel and all its political, legislative and judicial institutions.

A few days ago, the Israeli Parliament voted positively on a draft law that classifies the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, as a terrorist organization. This will lead to the cancellation of all diplomatic powers, immunities, and privileges given to the UN agency’s employees. This step came weeks after the investigation committee formed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations a
nnounced the results of its investigations that’s deny any involvement of UNRWA employees in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

It is no longer enough for international condemnations of Israel’s persistence in its defiance of international law and its various charters, after it came to the point of classifying one of the United Nations organizations as a ‘terrorist organization.’ This constitutes a threat not only to UNRWA, but also to the reputation and credibility of the United Nations and the international system, whose regulations and charters have become only A point of view that is being violated and subjected to daily abuse by an entity that deals with the world with arrogance for no other reason than because it is protected by the United States, which has the right to prevent any punitive action against Israel.

It may not be enough to say that Israel is violating the United Nations Charter, and not all countries of the world may be able to expel Israel from the United Nations, even if it is confirmed that
it is a state hostile to peace and security, and even if it does not implement its obligations for a valid reason, which is the text of Article 6 of the Charter, which was approved by the General Assembly. The dismissal of one of its members, but this is subject to a recommendation made by the Security Council, and here we return to the origin of the problem in terms of clashing with the American veto, which continues to protect Israel and provides it with all forms of survival and the continuation of its aggression and violation of international law.

We cannot explain Israel’s measures against UNRWA except that they reflect a miserable failure in achieving its goals of delegitimizing the relief agency as one of the foundations of the right of return for millions of refugees who were displaced from their homes and property in 1948 by the force of killing and terrorism by the Zionist gangs that later dissolved to establish an army. It continues to carry out terrorist operations with the support of the United
States of America and other Western countries.

Israel failed in its plan to attack UNRWA, even though it achieved important breakthroughs. When you reach the stage of aggression against one of the United Nations systems, it reflects the fragility of an international system that has become incapable of intervening to protect itself. How could it provide a playful campaign when you are still exposed to military, political, and economic wars from multiple international powers? Therefore, in the absence of international capacity to provide protection for the peoples whose lands are occupied and who are exposed to aggression and terrorism, it becomes the right and even the duty of these peoples, especially the Palestinian people, to protect themselves and their land by resorting to all forms of resistance, whatever the results of that.

Although the aggressive Israeli measures that are taking place reveal a lie called human rights and international courts that have become a mockery for the benefit of some Western
countries that are allied with the Zionist movement and their interests, the shortest path for Israel when the United Nations and its organizations become terrorist organizations is to announce a withdrawal from these organizations, and in this way it will be saving the world from the trouble of searching for new options that would later lead to its expulsion as an entity that is not only hostile to world peace and international organizations, but also to humanity and its true values,This is what the United Nations and the world must do today before tomorrow.

Source: National news agency – Lebanon