He was shot by a settler and arrested – Jerusalemite merchant Sinan Barakat

Jerusalem – Ma’an – The occupation authorities transferred the Jerusalemite merchant Sinan Abu Al-Filat “Barakat” to arrest, after he was injured by settlers’ bullets while working in Old Jerusalem.

Muhammad Mahmoud, the lawyer of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center-Jerusalem, explained that the young man Sinan is under arrest and treatment at the ‘Shaare Tsedek’ Hospital.

Lawyer Mohamed Mahmoud added that a hearing will be held for the injured young man ‘in the magistrate court.’

Yesterday afternoon, the merchant was injured by two bullets, ‘in the hand and leg,’ by a settler, and his father was injured by bullet fragments in the head.

Eyewitnesses explained that 3 settlers provoked the merchants of the bazaar market in Old Jerusalem, and deliberately chanted against Arabs and Muslims. They also attacked some merchants with kicks and pushes, then vandalized the contents of some stores. Within minutes, one of them fired bullets from his pistol at the young man, Sinan, hitting him in the hand and then A sec
ond bullet was fired while he was on the ground, hitting him in the leg.

The witnesses added that the settler fired a bullet in the air while pointing the gun at Sinan’s father’s head, wounding him with fragments of the bullet.

The two settlers threatened to fire machine guns at the merchants.

As for the forces that stormed the bazaar market and closed the entire area, they arrested the brother of the injured person and attacked the merchants.

Armed settlers with pistols and machine guns have become visible in the streets of Jerusalem in general and Old Jerusalem in particular.

Source: Maan News Agency