Jewelry, fertilizers, chemical products top exports list in January-May of 2023

Jewelry, fertilizers, and chemical products topped the list of national exports during the first five months of 2023, the latest figures have shown. Jordan’s jewelry exports hiked by 92.3 percent, while chemical products and fertilizers climbed by 30.5 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively. Exports of other products increased by 11.1 percent, according to foreign trade data issued by the Department of Statistics on Thursday. Jewelry exports raked in JD404 million in 2023’s January-May period against JD210 million in the same period last year, while chemical products came second with JD206 million compared to JD160 million. Moreover, fertilizer exports lured in JD503 million compared to JD471 million for the same period last year, meanwhile, other products brought in JD1.256 billion against JD1.131 billion dinars in the first five months of 2022.

Source: Jordan News Agency