Jordan’s food system cost assessment workshop concluded

In a collaborative effort between the UN World Food Program (WFP) and the Department of Statistics (DoS), a technical workshop to estimate the expenses associated with food systems in Jordan was recently concluded. The primary objective of the workshop was to promote the availability of healthy and accessible food options for all citizens through the utilization of specialized software. The five-day event played a crucial role in addressing the food gap, analyzing local factors that impact the widespread availability of nutritious food in Jordan, and determining the affordability for families, as indicated in a Dos statement on Thursday. As part of the study’s objectives, the WFP will offer policy-level recommendations and proposed interventions to ensure universal access to safe nutrition, the statement said. Additionally, it highlighted that this study aligns with the objectives outlined in the National Food Security Strategy (2022-2030), serving as a research priority to provide scientific evidence supporting the transition to sustainable food systems. The workshop brought together a diverse group of specialists, including experts from the DoS, and representatives from the ministries of health and agriculture. By equipping participants with the skills to utilize diet costing software and monitor annual changes, the training sought to foster consensus in closing the nutritional gap and enhance decision-making regarding dietary matters.

Source: Jordan News Agency