Journey to unknown… Some Jordanians decided to immigrate illegally

Amman: There are approximately a million Jordanians living abroad. These individuals have taken steps to protect their lives, dignity, morals, and principles through legal and legitimate means. They have also worked hard to improve their social and economic circumstances and have even helped to build the Kingdom. However, in recent years, the proliferation of social media and fraud has led to the victimization of many Jordanians by dishonest traders and brokers who trick their victims into believing they can quickly immigrate and become wealthy, but in the process, they end up dead or dehumanized.

The issue of Jordanian illegal immigration was difficult to verify because there were many parties and nations involved. However, after conducting research, the Jordan News Agency (Petra) discovered that there could be as many as 15 parties involved in this case. These parties include those who chose to travel in a manner that violated the laws of the countries they chose to immigrate to, those that accepted them,
and other nations they passed through. Additionally, there are brokers and traders involved in this kind of immigration, lawyers specializing in illegal immigration, and Jordanian state agencies represented by the Ministry of Interior and related security services, the Foreign Ministry, the Culture Ministry, the Communications Ministry, experts of Sociology, the US Embassy, the British Embassy and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM).

After about 30 days of follow-up, Petra discovered that the Jordanian passport is essential for entry for its owner into 53 countries worldwide and for the entry of several others with a visa. It is ranked 10th in the Arab world and 90th globally in terms of strength by the Jade Passport Ranking Index, and this feature makes leaving Jordan for many foreign countries easy. However, a small number of people choose to break travel regulations and take advantage of the passport’s power to enter countries where gangs are present. and immigration brokers to begin the
ir exploitation, which leads to humanity having to make terrible compromises.

The competent authorities have returned over 100 individuals from the airport and started monitoring offices and individuals involved in illegal immigration, who are abusing people, defrauding them, putting them in danger, and damaging Jordanian relations with nations that offer excellent travel facilities for Jordanians in all fields of study, work, treatment, and tourism. These official government sources were contacted by Petra.

From official sources, Petra knew that efforts are being made to coordinate with the appropriate authorities in order to create a new system for handling and managing this case. She also learned that the ultimate goal of all the procedures in this case is to protect the Jordanian citizen who chose to migrate illegally, deport him through the use of fraudsters and human traffickers, and keep him from falling into situations where he could end up dead.

The IOM reports that there are over 281 million migr
ants worldwide. The majority of these migrants have chosen legal migration routes, but a small percentage have chosen illegal migration routes, disobeying national laws and border controls and giving themselves and their fate over to gangs that profit from this wretched act.

Since the cost of a trip can reach JD35,000 dinars per person, Petra was unable to locate any case studies from Jordan’s competent authorities that outline the primary drivers of illegal migration. This suggests that there is no economic pressure for migration, and it also begs the question of why individuals with these sums of money did not deposit them in a bank account or apply to embassies to travel legally.

Source: Jordan News Agency