Making room for Omani mediation… cutting off road and argument before aggression countries

Not far from the recent warning of the revolution leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to the countries of the American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression, the resumption of mediation efforts by the brotherly Sultanate of Oman comes within the framework of the role it was known for in achieving rapprochement between the countries of the region and the region in general.

The welcome Omani move, after his last visit in the last month of Ramadan, and the continuation of the state of no war and no peace, comes out of the Sultanate’s keenness to advance the path of peace and translate that into executive and practical steps on reality, especially after a careful reading of the last speech of the revolution leader and what he said.

The speech included a serious warning not to remain silent about the continued deprivation of the Yemeni people of their national wealth, the occupation of the country, and in the event of aggression and siege, and its assertion that the path to peace is clear and there are no impossible conditions from Sana’a.

In view of the speech of Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the conditions presented by Sana’a to achieve a just and honorable peace for the Yemeni people and to fulfill the aspirations of its people are not insurmountable, but rather to enhance confidence between Riyadh and Sana’a to move forward in positive dealing with the humanitarian file because of its importance in creating an appropriate environment to continue dealing with various issues related to the comprehensive and complete peace that the Yemeni people aspire to.

It is indicative that the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council gave way to Omani mediation during the last period, severing the path and argument in front of the countries of aggression led by America and its tools, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, and out of their desire to cross the homeland to safety and achieve an honorable peace that preserves Yemen’s unity, security, stability and sovereignty over all its lands.

The demands of the Yemeni people since the beginning of the aggression launched by the forces of hegemony and arrogance on March 26, 2015 AD, and announced from Washington, are legitimate in every sense of the word.

However, the coalition countries led by America and Britain seek through their absurd plans in Yemen to continue plundering its wealth, resources and to tighten control over the waterways , in a way that facilitates hegemony over the countries of the region and the region in favor of the Zionist enemy.

In light of all this, the wise revolutionary leadership sensed its responsibility towards the Yemeni people, whose sighs and rightful demands were exalted in the failure to continue the state of no peace and no war, and to get out of the dark tunnel caused by the coalition of aggression more than eight years ago, in issuing a warning to the countries of aggression to proceed with the implementation of the demands most notably, the payment of salaries to state employees, the full opening of ports and Sana’a International Airport, and the exit of the invading forces from all of Yemeni territory.

In the end, there is no choice for the aggression countries, except to accept Sana’a’s conditions and implement the demands, instead of faltering and losing bets that depend on it to disrupt the national ranks, the home front that has remained , will remain cohesive, steadfast as the mountains of Aiban and Attan, especially after Yemen has acquired deterrent forces A strategy capable of reaching the capitals of the countries of aggression and any region on land, sea and air.

Source: Yemen News Agency