The decision… in the Security Council or in the White House?

‘Burned Film’ was prepared by the Prime Minister of the Occupation Government, Benjamin Netanyahu, and US President Joe Biden, through what was called the recent ceasefire initiative, which turned into a resolution issued by the Security Council. Neither the first was able to announce it, nor was the second able to protect it. Netanyahu, burdened by the amount of malice, deception, and evasion he practices against his opponents who covet his seat, did not have the courage to declare openly during the day that he is the owner of the aforementioned initiative, especially because of the words it carries that do not match his daily demagogic, arrogant, manipulative speech. He even denied his relationship with it in front of his fellow enemies, but confirmed it to his allies. Those who were trusted, and they were few, believed that he was the owner of the initiative in general and in detail, until the members of the Security Council declared that Netanyahu was indeed the owner of the feverish initiative.

As for B
iden, who is faltering in his positions, logic, and even his geographical knowledge, he claimed ownership of the initiative, so that America, which refuses to stop the war and protects Israel’s positions with decisions, money, and weapons, turns from a wall of resistance into a dove of peace in the Security Council, wanting to stop the war, and even hoping that Russia and China will not use it. Veto power.. Oh, peace! Indeed.. Hello!

America, which remained silent during 250 days of war, provided its factories and warehouses with thousands of tons of weapons, used its veto power to protect the occupation, prevented an end to the war, and established the new American base, called the ‘Naval Pier,’ today insists on a ceasefire, and even goes to the Security Council to transform Its position, or rather Netanyahu’s initiative for a UN resolution… Glory be to God!

The irony of the matter is that Netanyahu’s team, at the Security Council table, and before the ink dried on the resolution following its approval,
hastened, and before the welcoming and welcoming interventions of member states had ended, to implicitly reject the resolution by saying that Israel will continue the war and will not stop it until its goals are achieved. Here, ‘the film burned.’ ยป!

Netanyahu writes the resolution and Netanyahu burns the resolution…which confirms that the two men’s play was only to buy time and maximize the results in the finger-biting battle. Did the ceasefire require a resolution issued by the Security Council? Or a decision issued by the White House?

The Security Council does not provide Israel with weapons, but America. The Security Council does not provide cover, but America does. America, which allocated its military production to Israel to do what it did over the course of 250 days, and America, which remained silent regarding the whims, maneuvers, and adventures of the occupation government. Will the Security Council resolution make the difference? Or will stopping the supply of weapons to Israel be the one that w
ill cut off the range of missiles and launchers, stop the tanks, and shed the blood of innocent people? The decision did not stop the lava and fire, but rather increased its impact and hell on the night of its issuance and the world was enriched by it.

What is painful about the matter is that playing with fire and the ‘burning’ films of America and Israel drain the blood of innocent people and the life potential of all Palestinians, crushing women, children and the elderly, and destroying what remains of the last breath of the Gazan street in the service of Netanyahu’s ambitions.

Netanyahu, who wants to remain in power at the expense of everything, no matter the cost. Netanyahu, who insists that innocent people be the fuel for his stay at the top of the pyramid in Israel, avoiding imprisonment and isolation, especially after his field ambitions failed and stumbled. Do burnt films continue? We wait and see!

Source: Maan News Agency