The Supreme Committee of the Prisoner Movement: Postponing the decision to reduce the visit will not pass, and our struggle continues

The Supreme National Committee for the Prisoner Movement said, in a statement, that postponing or freezing the occupation government’s discussion of the decision to reduce visits to the families of prisoners to fit in with the occupation’s plans will not pass us nor our people, and that our struggle inside and outside of captivity will continue until we achieve our goals and push the occupation back. About us and our sanctities.

The committee added in its statement that the challenge is great and renewed, and requires unity of ranks and unity of a project in which we preserve our identity, dignity, land, and sanctities.

The committee also called on the masses of our great people for the widest participation to support their prisoners in the face of the prisoner and extremist “Ben Ghafir”, by participating in the vigils tomorrow, Tuesday 9/12/2023 AD, in city centers and villages in all governorates of the country under the title “Unity of the Free – The Title of Victory.”

At the end of its statement, the committee affirmed: Our battle with this occupation will continue and be open until it is removed from our chests and from our land, and we await the efforts of all those loyal to this people and their constants and sanctities

Source: Maan News Agency