Yemen Thabat provides stationery supplies for students in Hali summer courses in Hodeida

The Yemen Thabat Development Foundation provided stationery supplies to 500 students who are enrolled in summer courses in Al-Hali district in Al-Hodeida province.

The Foundation’s officials emphasized that providing stationery supplies is a symbolic initiative to motivate students enrolled in summer courses, encourage them to take an interest in summer activities, programs that develop their talents, religious culture and enhance their abilities and skills.

They expressed their pride in distinction and diversity of the summer courses in the province this year in terms of cultural, religious, social, recreational activities and the level of interaction of enrolled students.

For his part, the current Director of the Directorate, Moayed Al-Moayyed, expressed his gratitude to Bonyan Foundation for the initiative and gesture that reflects its positive presence in the field, and the consolidation of the noble purposes of the summer courses.

Source: Yemen News Agency