YMWF: World Press Freedom Day is witness to its violation in Yemen

The Yemen Women Media Forum (YMWF) considered the World Press Freedom Day a witness to the violation of press freedoms in Yemen by the US-Saudi aggression and the suffering experienced by workers in the media sector.

In a statement on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the forum referred to what journalists and media professionals have been subjected to in various media outlets for more than eight years.

As a result of the aggression, siege and killing, while they are performing their duties in conveying facts to the world, targeting media and journalistic institutions, cutting salaries and preventing Arab and foreign journalists and media professionals from entering Yemen.

The statement added, “We remind the international community and all its institutions to abide by what they pledged to defend the rights of Yemeni media professionals and journalists within the framework of their work and what they were established for.”

It stressed that all violations and crimes against Yemeni media professionals and journalists will not be buried or lapsed by statute of limitations, and the perpetrators will be held accountable sooner or later.

The statement pointed out that the continuity in delivering the message and confronting and challenging these violations will restore the stolen rights of journalists, and reflect the extent of their belief in their cause, their steadfastness in their principles, their adherence to professional ethics, and their contribution to conveying the suffering of the Yemeni people to the world.

Source: Yemen News Agency